Thursday, April 8, 2010

`The Lindsey Rat~

If your ratty gets all scatty 'cos his coat is getting matty
And he's acting kinda batty now he doesn't look so natty
If he starts to get all chatty and to voice pratty demands
Then beware!  You've got a bratty tatty ratty on your hands.

If your buck has had no luck getting his lazy butt unstuck
And you pluck him from his hammock to a chorus of "You suck!"
If his flaccid furry form is in a squishy slug disguise
Then it's right to get this roly rotund rat some exercise.


Stacey said...

Ewww bratty tatty ratty's are the worst. Poor Emma's having nightmares!!

the Horton Hurricane said...

just the word RAT EWWW not mouse that's bad enough but RAT