Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Bowl of Cherries suits me fine~

In my life-dream.........as an 8 yr old, a 15 yr old, a 20 yr old, a 30 yr old................working 40+ hrs a week outside my home was not in the plan.  I wanted to be a wife with a ring, a mom, a homemaker~~~with attention to raising responsible, creative, loving and happy kids to go out and make their way in the world.  I wanted to attend the ballet, theatre, the arts and yes, going to good movies to eat popcorn and drink diet cokes with my sweetheart!  I wanted to learn to cook great Chinese food in a wok and bake the perfect chocolate chip cookie!  I wanted to go to Hawaii, Jerusalem, Nauvoo and Palmyra and sit in the Sacred Grove. 

Now 60 yrs later~~isn't life just a bowl of cherries (with some pits thrown in) but most of all quite delicious!  I buy frozen chocolate chip dough and keep in my freezer so I can bake and enjoy the smell with grand kids when they come over.  If I want the best Chinese food in the world........that is at the Mandarin in Bountiful, Utah!  My diamond ring is now a CTR ring and I like looking at it.  I go to plays occasionally, enjoy granddaughter's dancing and rent old movies like The Hot Rock and Bus Stop and laugh out loud as I enjoy it from my recliner!  I cheer and scream for grandchildren playing soccer, football, baseball, basketball.  No one can split my sides with laughter like my adult children and their spouses~They all have been blessed with amazing senses of humor!   I've been to Nauvoo and tell my little cub scouts about the mighty Mississippi and how big it is and watch their imaginations as we talk of Emma Smith walking over the frozen river.   I've saved for two years and my Israel account looks promising~~......Life is pretty good at taking you down an unusual path but I am enjoying the journey!  


Cher said...

That was really well written. So True that life doesn't happed how we plan for it.

Cathy Bubert said...

Thanks for a great post. You have an amazing attitude - Palmyra is on my bucket list too . . .

the Horton Hurricane said...

you are the bowl full of cherries in my life!

Stacey said...

Sheila, I love this post- and I love you :) You have made a wonderful life for yourself, and I'm thankful for the great positive example you are to everyone-- especially my girls.