Wednesday, July 14, 2010

...shall the youth of Zion falter....NO!

I attended a West Bountiful Stake Fireside last Sunday evening which was quite amazing.  Amy's ward had participated in a stake youth conference where over twenty re-enactments of the Book of Mormon were done during the week.  This culminated with the Savior's visit to the Land Bountiful and needless to say watching the video of the youth and their activities hearing the testimonies that evening brought a beautiful outpouring of the spirit.  She had told me a lot about it when she returned home Friday, but I had no idea that over 8000 hours of service and five months of rehearsal and planning had gone into this major event for their youth throughout the stake.  It made me long so much for the youth in my own stake to have this opportunity.  I hope in the future this will become a possibility.  The stakes who attempt this "pay it forward" in training future stakes for this activity.  Their stake president said they wanted to #1) increase the youth's understanding of the Book of Mormon and #2) show them the power of the Savior's love for them individually.  From the testimonies I heard that evening I would say mission accomplished.  It was a wonderful Sunday evening spent enjoying the strong Spirit that was there.


Cher said...

Wow that sounds amazing! Hopefully someday they will pay it on forward to Northern Idaho

Cathy Bubert said...

Thanks for your post! It sounds like the MANY hours of planning and preparation were well worth it!